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1793 -- JOHANN ROCKEFELLER of GERMANY comes to the USA, probably the deadliest immigrant America will ever know. Not because he was a German but because he was a German RACIST with some very dangerous international banking cult connections.

1919 -- Adolph Hitler joins the Thule Society in Germany. In the Thule Society, the 'black sun' played a prominent role as a 'sacred' symbol of the Aryans. The inner core within the Thule Society are all Satanists. (Note: Just what would motivate these satanists in their agendas for global conquest? The answer is that they do not believe in an Almighty God, therefore they believe that they can get away with it. I'm afraid that these cultists are in for a rude awakening. This present file is evidence of that, since without the invervention of a "higher power" working behind the scenes through all of those who have contributed to this document, I can state with all confidence that you would not be reading these words right now. - Branton)

1932 -- Adolph Hitler gains control of German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the implosion vortex technology of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans make extraordinary progress. There is evidence that they might have been aided by contact with Gray entities from inside the Earth and an 'Ashtar' connected group of humanoid aliens in Aldebaran.

1933 -- A profusion of German 'tourists' swarm over the southwestern United States, buying land, checking mineral rights and also exploring caves and caverns. This was discovered during a background check on some of the cities [and newspapers] in New Mexico.

1934 -- the vast Rockefeller financial empire, in an effort to back German racial superiority and eugenics, financially supports Nazi Germany in collaboration with Prescott Bush [George Bush's father]. In 1929 the German Ernst Rudin enacts German Sterilization Laws.

1939 -- Operation Canned Meat begins, where the Germans stage an incident at the Polish border as a prelude to the invasion. As a result of newly acquired technology, the German scientific effort is pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and is developed at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest "pilotless aircraft" were produced in 1934, and had some moderate degree of success. The United States was quite aware of the German technical progress and sent an American named Wilson to Germany to "give technical assistance" and generally to keep an eye on German technology. It was probably by virtue of Wilson that the Germans never used their [anti] gravitational craft en mass in the war, for Wilson attained a high position in the German technical community, and switched propulsion methods from gravitational to advanced jet propulsion in an apparent effort to "get technology out there to fight the war". Because of this, German gravitational research remained in the labs and stayed in the R&D [Research & Development] phase until around 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested. It was clearly a situation where the war was going on faster than the Germans could technically develop their designs. Hampered by sabotage and deliberate technical misguidance from Wilson, as well as delays in metallurgical research which didn't result in an acceptable alloy of magnesium and aluminum until 1944, the Germans could only continue to harass allied pilots with the 'fireballs', pilotless craft developed and used since 1942 which emitted electrical fields that interfered with the operation of aviation engines.

1943 -- General Reinhard Gehlen infiltrates Soviat intelligence. Gehlen forms a partnership with Allen Dulles [a Bavarian Illuminist and American 'Nazi'], which results in the creation of the CIA [and some years later the more powerful NSA] from a core of Nazi SS intelligence officers brought to the US under the auspices of Operation Sunrise, Overcast, and Paperclip.

1945 -- The British discover German plans for advanced craft and joined the efforts of the United States to subvert the German program. Obviously those agents who would later become the core of the 'CIA' were not involved in this attempt to subvert the secret German projects, in that the CIA was originally established as a fifth-column for Bavarian intelligence operations in America. On February 16, despite allied efforts, the Germans successfully flew a crew-carrying version of the 'fireball' from the underground facilities in Thuringia. The craft had a top speed of over 12,500 mph. The craft was called the 'Kugelblitz'. The Germans in the scientific community knew the war was lost as early as 1942, due to signs of an imminent alliance between America, Great Britain and Russia. They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich in spite of the war. They decided that the establishment of a separate society founded on Nazi principles of genetic purity was the answer. The development of gravitational technology aided that plan. On February 23, the newest engines of the Kugelblitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The 'shell' or 'casing' of the Kugelblitz, minus the engines, was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists, plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained underground construction activity since 1941. Two days later, on February 25, the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed. The Germans also sent their "Aryan elite" children and other elements of their society to the underground bases. General Hans Kammler, who disappeared in
April 1945, was instrumental in the evacuation operation, as was General Nebe. There, the Germans developed a eugenic society that apparently is limited to a specific number of people. They're still there. Apparently they also maintain underground technical colonies in South America. On
April 12, Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman, a high Mason as was Roosevelt, becomes President of the United States. On
May 7, 1945, Germany surrenders. Both the Americans and Soviets gain access to elements of German disk technology and scientists which the German Nazi elite had neglected to eliminate before their hasty departure at the close of the war. The British Canadians also had access to some of the data that the United States had acquired, as well as some data directly from the German efforts. On
September 20th, Wernher Von Braun and other V-2 colleagues arrive in Boston, Mass and are transported to White Sands New Mexico to work in the U.S. missile program (Note: Von Braun along with other 'Paperclip' Nazi SS personnel were at the 'treaty signing' event at Muroc-Edwards AFB in 1954 according to Dr. Hank Krastman, when the NSA officially entered into a pact with the reptilian Grays. Previous to this the Nazis [Bavarian Thule Society] and Scottish Rite Masons [Bavarian Illuminati] had established 'treaties' with subterranean-based 'Gray' and 'Reptiloid' species that were in turn in contact with others of their kind beyond the confines of planet earth - Branton). Over 1,000 Nazi S.S. scientists are transported to the United States by Bavarian cult members operating in high-level economic and political positions in America -- the 'Corporate-Fascist' government -- and are given false papers in order to work for the "U.S. government". These Nazi S.S. infiltrators continue to infiltrate the electorate government of the United States of America via their fascist 'parasitic' fifth column government centered around the CIA, NSA, AQUARIUS, etc.

1946 -- Bavarian-connected agents within the United States eco-political structure import German S.S. intelligence officers in an effort to form what later becomes the Central Intelligence Agency. This Agency, initially an "intelligence gathering" office, soon commenced to spreading its influence throughout the entire U.S. intelligence community to the point where it became the controlling influence over all intelligence efforts and in fact a "secret government" in and of itself. The influence spreads beyond the borders of the U.S.A. as the CIA engages in a 'covert war' against the world superpowers and third world counties, assassinating undesirable leaders and replacing them with fascist CIA-backed military juntas, etc. This was part of a plan that was formulated by Allen Dulles and Reinhard Gehlen in 1943, when a deal was cut with German intelligence to provide the "United States" with a viable intelligence operation as well as provide German intelligence agents with "a place to go after the war". A good inducement, indeed. Remember that the Nazi's were backed by American bankers who were/are members of the Bavarian secret society lodges, as were the Nazi's themselves. Did millions of Allies shed their blood during World War II only to be betrayed by traitors in our midst?

1947 -- The Germans, having had two years to get it together after the war, started making flyovers of the United States in their disks, which had by then achieved a remarkable degree of development. This prompted the United States to undertake plans to ascertain both the exact location of the German bases at the Pole and their technical capabilities. In 1947, Operation Highjump was conducted around Antarctica in an attempt to locate the Germans. It was a failure. The Germans used their technology to thwart the efforts of the United States. It wasn't until 1958 during the International Geophysical Year that another major attempt to do something about the German problem was made. Various polar expeditions that occurred in between 1947 and 1958 had intelligence as part of their design, and also seemed to evoke activity from other forces and entities from inside the Earth. There also seems to be some evidence that the Germans made contact with alien forces from inside the planet in relation to their activities in Antarctica. In 1947, the United States decided that the problem with both THE GERMANS AND THE ALIENS was getting a little dangerous. It was necessary for the U.S. 'government' to implement severe measures in order to hide the truth of the alien presence. The German problem was easier to control as far as public knowledge was concerned. In
September 1947, TRUMAN caused the National Security Act to be passed in order to hide the activities of the Government, the CIA, and the alien problem. Was Truman aware of the Nazi infiltration of the U.S. intelligence community? Whether or not this was the case, Truman did sign a 'treaty' with the 'Reptilians' as part of his involvement with the 33-plus degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry, whose International 'Bankster' members had financed the Nazis up until the point where Adolph Hitler had become too hard to control. Whether Truman was directly aware of the fact that his sponsors, the German-American Rockefellers, had financed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions, is uncertain. CIA mind-control projects began at Bathesda Naval Hospital in 1947, with data gained from German S.S. intelligence. Truman created a study group in order to 'control' the alien problem, at least half of whose original members were affiliated with Bavarian-backed international banking fraternities like the Council on Foreign Relations. This study group was called MJ-12, PI-40 or ALPHA-2. A series of National Security Council [NSC] memos removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly 'legalized' direct action in the form of covert activities. The memos, including NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2, established a buffer between the President of the United States and the activities that were going on, as well as providing a means for the President to deny knowledge of any covert activities. Of course, all of this was un-Constitutional. Unfortunately Congress did not know what was going on either, as these 'appointed' representatives of the military-industrial complex began to take control of the U.S. government away from the 'elected' Congressional-Senatorial representatives of the Constitutional government. In 1947, FIFTY PERCENT of the CIA was composed of Nazi S.S. intelligence personnel, mostly within the inner covert ops segments of the agency. (Note: If this is the case, then it would be logical to suggest that it is THIS fifty percent of the Nazi 'German'-ated CIA which interacts with the greys and reptiloids within the Dulce, Denver Airport, Area-51 and Montauk bases, etc. - Branton)
1952 -- Reinhard Gehlen and Allen Dulles are dubbed Knights of Malta by the VATICAN.

(Note: According to THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS, by Edmond Paris, a large number of Jesuits assisted in the development of -- and occupied powerful positions within -- the Nazi S.S. Could the mass-murder of the Jews and the Russian Greek Orthodox Serbians in Yugoslavia during World War II have been a continuation of the Vatican's INQUISITION against its enemies?. The ancient 'Babylonian Mystery Society' which has reportedly maintained a secret line of Pontifex Maximus leaders since the time of King Nimrod, has been using the so-called 'Holy Roman Empire' as a 'cover' for its secret activities -- in affiliation with the Jesuit lodge which created the Scottish Rite as a tool for infiltrating Masonry -- and has maintained a strong presence within the Nazi S.S. The unknowing lay members of the Catholic Church and of NEARLY EVERY MAJOR DENOMINATION on the planet which has been infiltrated by the gnostic Jesuit lodge and their hatchlings -- the Bavarian Illuminati, Bavarian Thule societies, and the so-called Scottish Rite of Masonry -- should not be blamed for this subversion of the global political-economic-religious systems, that is if they have no knowledge of the conspiracy. I REITERATE here and throughout this File that I am not personally against any individual members of errant or apostate 'control' structures who are being 'used' against their knowledge for internationally destructive agendas, but rather against the 'regressive' control structures themselves. THAT is our target. If one wishes to be a Roman Catholic or a member of any other religion, fine... however when that 'religion' begins to pry into the realm of economic and political CONTROL at the expense of the freedom of others, then these 'religions' must be willing to face criticism for involving themselves in these areas, and refrain from hypocritically crying "your attacking my 'religious beliefs'". When an organization becomes a political and economic force of CONTROL, it has CEASED becoming a 'religion'. How much more for 'religions' who profess to have faith in Jesus of Nazareth - the Christ - or Melchizedek... the same one who in His zeal had 'cleansed' the Temple of those who were using 'religion' to fill their own money bags. Some organizations have lost the 'right' to be called exclusively 'religions' and must now be classed as economic-political power-cult structures. No matter how well-intentioned humans are, if they place themselves ABOVE their fellow human beings, then there is the temptation to use their knowledge or position to CONTROL those below them. It is religious POWER STRUCTURES which divide humanity through "holy wars" and such, NOT individual 'believers'. - Branton)

1953 -- Albert K. Bender's International Flying Saucer Bureau was closed down following work on a theory linking disks with Antarctica. Bender is visited by MIB [Men In Black] and persuaded to stop his research. These were apparently transdimensional humanoid 'MIBs' -- although there have also been reports of MIB reptiloids, androids, and U.S. government agents who have themselves taken on the label of "Men In Black", possibly in imitation of the dark-clad alien intelligence agents who have threatened numerous UFO witnesses to remain silent. Eisenhower asks Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. This is where the idea for MJ-12 was born. It was probably a critical mistake in asking a member of the world financial control group for help with the alien beings. Because of human nature, the true 'controllers' are those who control the world's wealth -- the International Bankers -- as they are able to buy-off the weak factions within all of the governments of every nation, including an 'apparent' Constitutional Republic like the United States of America.

The following are some of the subjects that radio personality David Emory has covered on his talk-radio broadcasts in California:

-- The pivotal role that Nazi and fascist elements played in the assassination of President Kennedy... evidence that American and German "Neo-Nazis", the Gehlen spy organization and Nazi rocket specialists working under Werner Von Braun figured prominently in the killing.
-- The support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler's Germany and how this affected the allied military policy during the war as well as the incorporation of the Third Reich's intelligence forces into the CIA at the conflict's conclusion.

-- The SS origin of the Green Berets, the re-establishment of Nazi elements in West Germany after the war, as well as Nazi influences on Senator Joe McCarthy, Interpol and the Alger Hiss case.

-- The pivotal role in the Cold War played by Hitler's most important spymaster and his Nazi Eastern Front intelligence organization... the Gehlen organization's incorporation into the CIA; its role in establishing Radio Free Europe AND the first Palestinian terrorist groups as well as Gehlen's personal political ideology.
-- The evolution of American fascism from the 1930's to the present... attempts to overthrow President Roosevelt, suspend the constitution and establish a fascist dictatorship in the United States.

-- The World Anti-Communist League... the composition and operation of this reactionary organization whose fascist elements have wielded tremendous influence in the operations of the U.S. national security establishment... the massive intersection between this organization and the network created by Nazi spymaster Reinhard Gehlen.

-- Former Nazi SS Officer and CIA agent Skorzeny's role in developing the methodology of modern terrorism and training many terrorist organizations... the connections of western [fascist] intelligence agencies to the Munich Olympics massacre of several Israelis in 1972. (Note: Munich, Germany is the capital of Bavaria, by the way - Branton).

-- Evidence that the U.S. national security establishment
May have been planning a fascist coup in response to a terrorist provocation... the "Rex 84" martial-law contingency plan and its implementation in response to a terrorist 'incident'. Rex '84 appears to stem from a contingency plan to intern black Americans in concentration camps.
-- The Fourth Reich -- the complicity of [fascist] elements of U.S. intelligence with international terrorists...
-- The assassination program which eliminated the democratic leadership of Weimar Germany paving the way for Hitler's rise to power... the formation of the Nazi Party as a front for German military intelligence.

-- The connections between the Third Reich and South African society. Particular emphasis is on the Broederbond [the Afrikaner elite society which effectively controls South Africa] and how that organization developed with help from Nazi Germany... how residual elements of the I.G. Farben chemical cartel helped the growing South African nuclear industry.
-- Uncle Sam and the Swastika... documents the Third Reich as a historical outgrowth of the multi-national corporate capitalism. Focus is on the dominant role of American-based multi-nationals in financing and arming Nazi Germany.

-- The Third Reich's extermination programs from the "mercy killing" of handicapped children to the Auschwitz death factory. The Nazi liquidation's are exposed as a direct outgrowth of the international eugenics and mental hygiene movements, both mainstream movements with important implications for contemporary society.

-- The growing intersection of third reich veterans, Middle Eastern terrorists, European neo-fascists and European ultra-leftists in a new form of international fascism.
-- Circumstantial evidence suggesting that then vice-president George Bush
May have been involved with the attempt on the life of former President Reagan... the close connections between the family of convicted would-be assassin John Hinckley and the Bush family as well as Hinckley's Nazi background.
-- The Nazis: Anti-Semites on George Bush's Campaign... the participation of elements of the Gehlen organization, the World Anti-Communist League and the P-2 Lodge in George Bush's 1988 election campaign.
-- The work of Mae Brussell, a political researcher whose research is the foundation of Mr. Emory's... the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death in 1988.

-- Livin' In The USA: The Search for Nazi War Criminals. In 1985, the San Francisco Examiner listed ten Third Reich fugitives considered to be the "most wanted" of all war criminals... the fact that most of them worked for U.S. intelligence after the war.
-- The role played by German neo-Nazis in the assassination of President Kennedy.
-- Adolf Hitler's escape from Germany at the end of World War II using information contained in previously classified U.S. intelligence archives, accessed by a London Times journalist and discussed in a military history quarterly. The story was revealed to U.S. intelligence operatives during their debriefing of former Gestapo chief Heinrich Mueller prior to Mueller going to work for U.S. intelligence, employed Mueller because of his anti-Communist expertise. Confident that his situation with his U.S. sponsors-to-be was secure, Mueller disclosed that Hitler escaped to Spain after the war and that his place in the bunker [and the grave] was taken by a double who was a distant blood relative of the Fuehrer. Mueller's alleged death at the war's end has also been effectively de-bunked.

-- The relationship between Arab Nationalist groups and the Third Reich analyzed... the cooperation between... American Nazi groups and the Nation of Islam under Elijah Mohammed and Louis Farrakhan.

-- Richard Nixon's... efforts on behalf of Nazi war criminals living in America, his apparent role in the assassination of President Kennedy and that event's connections to the Watergate Scandal... Nixon's administration and the drug trade and Nixon's plan to stage a provocation at the 1972 Republican Convention in order to force a cancellation of the general elections that year and the establishment of martial law... an analysis of the international fascist political milieu that created Nixon and of which he was an integral part.

-- Several elements of historical and operational continuity between the development of fascism prior to World War II and its resurgence over the last several decades. Comparing American scientific racism of the 1920s and 30s with current thinkers of that school... the profound influence of the American social legislation spawned by that racism on the Nazi racial laws that were the pretext for the Third Reich's extermination programs... the American 'prosecutorial' staff at Nuremberg who helped to exonerate numerous Nazi war criminals and who subsequently participated in the coverup of President Kennedy's assassination... a possible fascist connection to the gun-control movement (Note: It is indeed curious that the American Psychiatric Association initially contained over 2,000 German 'immigrant' members following World War II. The APA also was/is involved in GUN CONTROL lobbying.- Branton), as well as a possible connection between that movement and the assassination of President Kennedy... the resurgence of Fascism in Italy and Germany stemming from the fascist elements left in place in these countries as a result of the laxness of individuals such as the American Nuremberg staffers.
(Additional Note on the above -- From the website we read: "A principle player in the 1974 foundings of both HCI [then called the National Council to Control Handguns] and the NCBH [National Coalition to Ban Handguns, now renamed the Coalition Against Gun Violence] was Ed Wells, who was A 25-YEAR VETERAN OF THE COVERT OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE CIA... There was also a fund raiser for NCBH hosted by the man Nixon appointed as CIA Director, William Colby... HCI spokesman Greg Risch -- incredibly -- admitted that "SURE THERE ARE A LOT OF CIA PEOPLE IN IT [HCI]", and also stated that there are quite a few "EX-CIA WHO DONATE TO US." - Branton)
-- Several reasons for American's lack of awareness of fascism, its history and its methodology: lowering American educational standards and the deliberate obfuscation of the historical connection between powerful industrial and financial interests and fascism. Both have significantly undermined contemporary understanding of the political forces which produced Hitler and Mussolini... details important episodes in the development of the French fascist forces that culminated in the Vichy collaborationist government of Marshall Petain. The role of French fascists in undermining France and contributing to the German victory of 1940 is one of many aspects of the history of fascism which has been deliberately obscured... the clandestine methodology of fascism, in particular the underground organizational structure of fascist movements and its effectiveness in subverting established democracies... the underground Nazi cells of contemporary Germany and their evolution from the cellular organization established by the Third Reich prior to its defeat... the Swedish fascist Per Engdahl, and his role in maintaining the continuity of fascism from Hitler and Mussolini to the present. The re-emergence of fascism in Austria and the Czech Republic... [and] international networking between neo-Nazis... collaboration between neo-Nazis and national intelligence services, and connections between neo-Nazis and 'respectable' power politicians... Liberty Lobby, an influential American fascist organization.

-- America's importation of the Gehlen organization after World War II, the 1934 Fascist coup attempt against FDR...


"America didn't win the war. Adolph Hitler won world war II."
-- Guatemalan president Jose Arevalo, after being replaced by dictator Jocabo Arbenz in 1951

The following is a synopsis of an extensive investigative series by David Emory revealing a working hypothesis that during the Cold War, German fascism and the Third Reich did not disappear as is commonly believed but rather survived underground and achieved a very real political and economic victory over the Allies. In the aftermath of World War I, the German Nazis learned that anti-communism could be used to achieve strategic leverage over Germany's prospective enemies such as Great Britain and the United States. The Third Reich utilized this stratagem to establish Fifth Column movements in countries they had targeted for conquest. Those movements were composed largely of sympathizers who viewed the Third Reich as a bulwark against communism.

The Third Reich sought to escape the full consequences of military defeat in World War II by playing the anti-Communist card again. When it became clear that the armies of the Third Reich were going to be defeated, it opened secret negotiations with representatives from the Western Allies. Representatives on both sides belonged to the transatlantic FINANCIAL and INDUSTRIAL fraternity that had actively supported fascism... Viewed by the Nazis as a vehicle for surviving military defeat, [this collaboration] involved a Hitler-less Reich joining with the [international financial cults of] U.S., Britain, France and other European nations in a transatlantic, pan-European anti-Soviet alliance (This has apparently led to their European Economic Community -- later known as the European Community or E.C. -- conquest of Europe via economic manipulation rather than through force. - Branton). The de-Nazification of Germany was aborted. Although a few of the more obvious and obnoxious elements of Nazism were removed, Nazis were returned to power at virtually every level and in almost every capacity in the Federal Republic of Germany. A Hilter-less Reich then was incorporated into the anti-Soviet alliance the Third Reich's leaders had envisioned - NATO.
One of the central elements in RFA37, the Reinhard Gehlen spy organization, functioned as a Trojan Horse vis-a-vis the United States. By deliberately exaggerating Soviet intentions and capabilities in order to alarm the United States, the Gehlen organization greatly exacerbated cold-war tensions and manipulated them to Germany's advantage.

Perhaps the most important effect of the Gehlen organization was to introduce "rollback" or "liberation theory" into American strategic thinking. Rollback was a political warfare and covert operation strategy which had its genesis in the Third Reich Ostministerium headed by Alfred Rosenberg. This strategy entailed enlisting the aid of dissident Soviet ethnic minorities to overthrow the Soviet Union. In return, these minorities and their respective republics were to be granted nominal independence while serving as satellite states of "Greater Germany."

In its American incarnation, liberation theory called for "rolling back" communism out of Eastern Europe and the break-up of the Soviet Union into its constituent ethnic Republics. Lip-service was given to initiating democracy in the 'liberated' countries. Liberation theory was projected into mainstream American political consciousness through the Crusade for Freedom. This enormous CIA domestic media campaign not only established liberation theory as a dominant element in American strategic thinking but also projected European fascists associated with the Gehlen milieu into positions of prominence within the powerful ethnic voting blocks in America.
The Gehlen imports combined with domestic reactionary elements to form a powerful fascistic and ultimately triumphant political engine referred to in RFA37, as the "rollback" or "liberation milieu."

RFA37 traces the evolution of this milieu and its influence on international and domestic political affairs. The liberation milieu cemented its triumph in American politics through the assassination of President Kennedy. The program highlights the roles of Gehlen-related elements and intelligence agents associated with the PETROLEUM industry (as in the Rockefeller-connected EXXON, ZAPATA and ATLANTIC RICHFIELD or ARCO oil companies - Branton) in the JFK assassination. Particular emphasis is on George Bush's connections to this milieu as well as the milieu's relationship to the defense industry, military intelligence and CORPORATE America.
RFA37 analyzes the Reagan and Bush administrations as the realization of the goals of liberation theory as well as the fulfillment of National Security Counsel #68. NSC 68 was the blueprint for U.S. strategy during the Cold War. Heavily influenced by the work of the Gehlen organization, NSC 68 called for the destabilization of the U.S.S.R. through a massive military buildup by the U.S. The strategy sought to bankrupt the Soviet economy through an arms race and to promote agitation among the dissident Soviet ethnic groups by Gehlen-related intelligence elements. In addition, the document called for an accompanying propaganda blitz in the United States to convince the American people to support the military buildup as well as the suppression of political dissidents.

The Reagan and Bush administrations instituted the principles of NSC 68 and accomplished the aims of liberation theory. The realization of those goals also did enormous damage to the United States. The cost of bankrupting the Soviet Union, turned the United States into the world's biggest debtor nation, severely damaged its infrastructure and crippled its competitive economic advantage internationally. In addition, the United States badly compromised its democratic institutions during the Cold War, possibly beyond repair.

RFA37 hypothesizes that the realization of liberation theory primarily benefited GERMANY rather than the United States. Indeed, the recovery of Germany's "lost territories" was the goal of Gehlen's alliance with the western powers and was the raison d'etre for the Vertviebene groups. Founded by the SS and funded by the German government, the Vertriebene groups were part of the liberation milieu described above. (Note: Is it any coincidence then, that the true NERVE CENTER of the European Community or E.C. aka the 'New World Order' is GERMANY? - Branton). Their activity has increased dramatically since the end of the Cold War. The BND, the current German government intelligence service and the final incarnation of the Gehlen organization, has been extremely active in the newly 'liberated' territories where it has worked hand in glove with major German corporations and the various Nazi parties of Germany to realize Hitler's goal of a "greater Germany."

Confirmation of the above seems to have come from an anonymous individual who has released the following information -- among other revelations -- throughout the newsgroups via an anonymous news server... The following to me is reminiscent of the theme of the movie "THE ODESSA FILE", starring John Voight and set in 1963 West Germany:

Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.mindcontrol
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 23:52:22 UTC
Subject: JFK hit small part of conspiracy


INTRODUCTION: The JFK assassination involved a much bigger conspiracy than Cuba or the Mob or the CIA or all 3 put together. It was planned, run and covered up by an international Group that has no name. I'm in the process of completing an investigation and expose on that Group's activities that I began in the early '80s. This investigation began after I encountered evidence of torture and mind control techniques among workers at a chemical plant involved in some litigation I handled in the late '70s.
I'm posting this very short piece because I would like confirmation of those portions that can be corroborated before I complete the work. I do not seek to chat about it and I do not want anyone's approval or disapproval of the events or ideas. Unless you have been involved in it or are some sort of spook it's all going to sound very strange... Based on the following very, very brief summary of a huge file on this subject, it seems apparent to me that you have each played a witting or unwitting role in treason. Those of you who think you have been serving a "better cause" should heed these words and THINK about what you have been doing to your country. For those readers who think mysterious forces are sending radio waves into their heads and bodies, or the like, please don't send responses or messages to me. On the other hand, if you've had flashbacks to violent events that you can't understand; if you recall your hands doing things that you didn't control; if you've awakened in a hotel room not knowing how you got there, read a newspaper story about a dead general or Congressman, recognized the picture and wondered if you were the one who did it; or if the phrase "remember to forget" has a great significance to you, you
May want to read on & consider contacting me. [Contact must be through anonymous file server so that neither of us knows the other. If it seems a worthwhile lead to me, I will reply by E-Mail to your anon id. Please do not contact me unless you use a password going through I won't respond otherwise.]

In 1983 I undertook to determine the reason for and the people responsible for the torture and behavior conditioning at the factory. Since then the investigation has broadened step-by-step into a much, much larger investigation. I cannot possibly recap the full story here. The initial course of the investigation has required over 400 pages of draft to adequately explain. So let it suffice to say that within the first 18 months I obtained identifications [photograph] from two independent witnesses of the principal torturer as Dr. Joseph Mengele. The same witnesses later identified [photograph] the man who was directing Mengele's activities as a person who was at one time the DIRECTOR of the CIA. Another key player in the Group's activities in Vietnam, the RFK hit, Watergate and various assassinations of American military and civilian leaders was one of that Director's highly-placed subordinates, who only recently left CIA. This second CIA LEADER will be referred to in this piece by the same code name he used with my informant: Mr. Halloran.

My primary sources for the mind control comments are in-depth, videotaped interrogations in awake states, as well as under deep hypnosis in conjunction with two hypnosis experts [one of whom has served as president of one of the internationally-recognized bodies in the field] of three witnesses. My primary source for the comments on the Group, its plans, goals, methods and history is one of the three above witnesses who appears to have been the illegitimate son of GEN. REINHARD GEHLEN resulting from the general's participation in the lebensborn program in 1942-43. He informs me that lebensborn continued well into the ''70s, seemingly headquartered in FRANKFURT (Frankfurt is incidentally the traditional headquarters of the so-called Holy Roman Empire which ruled Europe with an iron hand during the Dark Ages. - Branton). A significant part of the following account and the individuals mentioned in it is based on my informant's conversations with the man who appears to have been his father, Gen. Gehlen, in various parts of the Northeast & in Langley beginning in about 1953; briefings held by various spokesmen but mostly by the former CIA Director at the NY offices of a well-known (Rockefeller? - Branton) Foundation, which appears to be the American 'host' for the Group; and a list of the Group's members and agents that my informant was instructed to memorize during the period 1975-1987 in preparation for his intended role in the Group. In many cases it is not known whether the individuals' names were listed because they are 'players' or because they have been coerced into cooperation through blackmail or economic means or are associates of real 'players' who can control the named individuals. Thousands of names have been identified from virtually all walks of life, including such unexpected groups as the Nobel Committee [and] Vatican City... My informant states that over the years only a very, very few of the many thousands on the list have known the real plan and the real goals.

THE COVERT WAR: A covert war has been waged against the people of this country and other countries for over 50 years. Some casualties of that war are people whose deaths are already suspect, but no one can quite put their finger on the real motive. John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King. JFK by 4 marksmen, of which 2-3 actually got off shots, one of whom was a well-known French contract assassin headquartered in Madrid. (Note: these assassins would most likely include the 2 mafia hit-men behind the 'grassy' knoll and the 'tramps' who were assigned to pick up the spent shells; the CIA patsy Oswald in the Book Depository and another hit-man who shot from a building across from the book depository. Others allege that William Greer -- the secret service limo driver -- got off a quick shot with a handgun, which would make him the 5th gunman if we are to believe some scenarios. This would explain statements made by Dr. Charles Crenshaw, one of the original doctors who worked on JFK's body shortly after his death. On the
April 2, 1992, segment of Geraldo Rivera's "NOW IT CAN BE TOLD", Crenshaw claimed that he saw Kennedy's head-wound
and stated that Oswald could not have killed Kennedy as he was behind the President, whereas the fatal bullet wound came from the FRONT. Crenshaw claimed that the bullet entered from the front and exited from the rear of his skull, leaving a large gaping wound 9-10 centimeters across. Although Texas law
required an immediate autopsy in Dallas, the site of the crime, Crenshaw insisted that a swarm of Secret Service agents entered the hospital and demanded that the autopsy be performed out of state. It is interesting that the Secret Service of the U.S. and other countries are reportedly patched directly into the highest levels of Scottish Rite Masonry, or the Bavarian Illumiati. Dr, Crenshaw stated that several people he had known who had witnessed the President's wounds had died shortly afterwards under strange circumstances. He believed that the 'official' photos taken at Bathesda Naval hospital showing no ear exit wound were tampered with and that the whole affair was covered up. Branton). An assist on the job goes to an Oswald 'double' supplied by the KGB section headed in 1963 by a very high-ranking recent leader of the USSR. The 'double' killed Officer Tippit in plain view for no reason other than to implicate Oswald. RFK, by a security guard [Thane] & Sirhan, Sirhan [who was conditioned to kill and to forget both the kill and his control]. King, by someone unknown to us, but my source worked with 'Raul' [also used over 10 other code names] at CIA from 1967-83. 'Raul's' expertise for [the] CIA was the perfect "set-up" of innocent people in crimes. The MLK hit was the first and only time he did a set up in a political assassination. The whole Warren Commission seems to have been fixed, beginning with Warren and 3 other members of the Commission, all of whom my informant identified as agents of the Group. Every witness who could shed light on the Kennedy murders has been systematically hunted down and murdered. [I seek information from those who were in it. I believe I already know one who was. You might know something about it if you recognize the code name BLACKHAWK. If so, think about it.] Other victims of assassination by the Group whose names will be recognized include Franklin D. Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, Mahatma Gandhi, Anwar Sadat & Olof Palme. There have been many thousands more.

THE ORIGIN OF THE GROUP: The precursor of the subversive Group seems to have been formed in the first quarter of the century, we think in connection with the formation of the Federal Reserve. At first it appears to have been little more than a group of the world's leading investment and merchant bankers seeking world-wide control of money supply. But by about 1932 it developed into a scheme for a New World Order, in which there would be total control of human behavior by a world government. They sponsored Hitler through two of their most important German members: Paul von Hindenburg and Franz von Papen. By the 1930s the key players seem to have included Hess [who flew to England in 1941 ONLY because he was 'blown'] and then Bormann in the Nazi government; Schrwder and the ENTIRE Reichsbank sr. officer list in German banking; most of the major merchant banking houses in London, some of the key banks in NY, Sweden, France, Switzerland & Netherlands, along with the Bank for Int'l Settlements [infamous for its crediting the Nazis with ownership of the looted Austrian, Czech, Belgian and Netherlands gold]; the monarchs of England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria [the Archduke], Hungary [Regent], & Japan; and some of the key men in the Fall of France, like Viscount Gort and Admiral Forbes; and two American generals who none of you would believe. (I would suspect that one of these 'generals' might have been Dwight D. Eisenhower -- whose campaign was sponsored by the Rockefellers and through whose administration many of the national socialist policies of the Rockefellers were implemented within the U.S. Intelligence Agencies -- although this is only my guess. Due to Eisenhower's part in the war against the Nazi's and his warning to Americans about the dangers of the Military-Industrial Complex, it
May be that Eisenhower was an ethical man, yet had opened the door for access to certain levels of government by Rockefeller interests, aware of or unaware of the Rockefeller ties to the Nazi's AND the Military-Industrial complex. He
May have merely been a 'dupe' or a 'pawn', like so many other naive members of the U.S. Government. - Branton)

CURRENT ORGANIZATION & GOALS FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Today the Group consists of international bankers [the same core of NY, London, Swiss and German merchant bankers, but now expanded to the largest banks in many other parts of the world, notably Japan and in the Middle East], kings, at least one queen, princes, industrialists [among the world's top 100 CEOs +/or Chairmen... a heavy concentration in autos], Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marine Corps generals, State department section chiefs, Mafia chiefs, drug lords, elected officials, judges at all levels, many media owners, a host of leading lawyers, and many others. The leadership of the Group comes from its EUROPEAN parent organization, consisting of many of Europe's key bankers, industrialists, & politicians. They want to impose on this planet a centralized world oligarchy -- not a democracy -- akin to a FASCIST state in which there will be genocide on a massive scale, total state control over all aspects of human behavior and communication and control of the human mind and spirit through manipulation of the world's major religions, genetic engineering, drugs, tightly-controlled media and by other means. There will be death camps in which 'undesirable' races, the old and infirm, and those without "social utility" will be exterminated without a trace. The institution of state-sanctioned slavery will be re-established. There will no longer be families as we know the institution. There will be a MASTER RACE in charge of all this power -- the ARYAN RACE, augmented by advanced genetics, and bred for superior characteristics. Their target date is the coming second millennium, the year 2000. If you want details of their plan, with an approximate day-to-day blueprint of life under the new regime, read Brave New World. Huxley apparently knew about the plan from his brother.

THE GROUP'S OPERATIONS SINCE W.W.II: When their man, Hitler, went out of control they drugged him into oblivion and implemented the death camp 'model' under Bormann. Early in W.W.II there was a conference hosted by King George in the English countryside at which representatives from all walks of life from all over agreed on a plan to undermine and overthrow the US and Russian states. Representatives of all the monarchies mentioned above attended. At the end of W.W.II, GEN. GEHLEN ran two operations in Spring, 1945 for them: the assassination of FDR using a chemical that caused the cerebral hemorrhage and immediate death and the [attempted] elimination of Hitler with a bullet from Bormann's gun [without Hitler's 'consent']. FDR's offense was that he refused to approve their COVER AGENCY, the CIA. [Not the agent level generally. The liaison and intermediate levels with some key men at the top levels, particularly in Covert Ops.] GEHLEN ran the American, AS WELL AS THE European 'security' operations until his death in '79. Their 'assassination' techniques for those who get in the way begin with character assassination. When that fails, they train and finance real assassins who generally do not use bullets these days. The favored methods are carefully tailored to the victims' medical files to make death look 'natural' through barely-detectable chemicals that artificially cause heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, Alzheimer disease, leukemia, & brain tumors.